Gils (Admins)

They used to be such a nice bunch of fellows...


Our Gils are truly inspirational people, who need your help. For just a dollar a day you can feed, bathe and clothe a needy Gil. PayPal is OK, but we'd prefer if you just gave us your credit card details.  



Un-ragging the Gils



Stomach likes lifting cannonballs and slaying the children of Mohammed, may he rest in peace. He's lived amongst the Chinese and the Indonesians and still thinks Australia is full. His skills with a DMR will make you quiver like a pedo at a Beiber concert.
IN-GAME NAME: (Gil) stomache
SKYPE: virtoid


Cornfieldraipe likes assault, long (and short)-term abuse and of course, rape. His views on abortion, birth control and the role of god in education are questionable.
He can fly good but can't run any further than about 100m.
IN-GAME NAME: cornfieldraipe, randy bo bandy
SKYPE: cornfieldraipe


Cobass is a warrior-poet born in the wrong era, struggling to make sense of the ugly brutality of the world. His failure to act in the Bosnian crisis seriously damaged his credibility and he's never trusted the general public since. His weapon-of-choice, the SVD Camo, makes him the most fearsome Gil of all.
SKYPE: Cobaas92

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